Beta version 1.6

Release 23rd December. New game content - Winter Edition


▢️11 new revomon + 1 wearable.

Odonymph |type: bug-draconic |scarcity: common

Drakefly |type: bug-draconic |scarcity: common

Meganeudra |type: bug-draconic |scarcity: common

Wyverdant |type: forest-sky |scarcity: rare

Teddream |type: time-phantom |scarcity: rare

Bearmare |type: time-phantom |scarcity: rare

Nightmort |type: time-phantom |scarcity: rare

Cupidove |type: neutral-sky |scarcity: common

Dovamour |type: neutral-sky |scarcity: common

Romanfrig|type: neutral-sky |scarcity: common

✨Reingifir |type: forest-sky |scarcity: common, 50 limited edition

β˜ƒοΈWINTER WONDERLENS |type: wearable |scarcity: collector item for veteran (owning diamond hands), elite & master tiers.


▢️1 new city.

Arktos Village is a temporary open village accessible to players taking the boat.

Duration 23rd Dec 2021 β€” 23rd March 2022 (3 months). Exclusive Revomon will spawn there and won’t be catchable during the rest of the year (except throught Eggomon & Booster packs).

Note that Froastoast is now catchable in this village.

Average revomon level: 10–15

▢️1 new β€œroute”.

Players can take the ship at Cinvia Harbor to travel to Arkos Village.

Players will have to face several challenges from the NPCs present in order to have a safe journey.

▢️Battle mode system refactored. It has been optimised and rethink to welcome upcoming features such as 2vs2 battle mode.

▢️Revomon spawn system optimised. No modification on odds.

To install the new revomon 1.6 update, uninstall and reinstall the game throught SideQuest: (update available on the 23rd of Dec 2020.)

Last updated